Admission circular at IBA at University of Rajshahi
Admission circular at IBA at University of Rajshahi, Admission circular at IBA at University of Rajshahi
রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এ আই.বি.এ তে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি। জেনে নিন বিস্তারিতঃ-
Business Administration (IBA) is one of the five Institutes of Rajshahi University. The Institute of Business Administration of Rajshahi University is the second of its type at public universities in Bangladesh. IBA of Dhaka University has set an example of academic excellence in Bangladesh. IBA of Rajshai University also set goal to achieve a prestigious position in the country and beyond. But the task is not so easy. It is the duty of us who are the front liners, to make our IBA a symbol of prestige of Rajshahi University It started its journey as an institute in the year 2000. Academic activities of the institute began in 2002 with the inception of MBA (Evening) program. At present the Institute has four streams of MBA program and another stream of M.Phil./ Ph.D program. Most of the students of this program are mid level and top-level executives in private sector and state owned organizations.
Institute of Business Adiministration
University of Rajshahi
Rabindra Bhaban,3rd floor
Post Box no:6205, Phone: 0088 0721 751508, 00880721 750041-9 Ext. 4167
Info line – 880 721 750244
Fax – 880 721 750064
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