আজ, শনিবার, ২২শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ | ৯ই ফাল্গুন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ


Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) Job Circular

ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০২৫, ৮:১১ পূর্বাহ্ণ

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন,

Young Power in Social Action Job Circular, Young Power in Social Action Job Circular

চাকরির বর্ণনাঃ

পদ সমুহঃ

  • ব্রাঞ্চ ম্যানাজার -২০ জন
  • ক্রেডিট অফিসার – ৭০ জন

আবেদন করার প্রক্রিয়াঃ

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ: ০৬/০৩/২০২৫ ইং 

বিস্তারিত এই বিজ্ঞপ্তি তে দেখুন, (বিজ্ঞপ্তিটি ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ছবিতে ক্লিক করুন)

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) Job Circular

YPSA , an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) based in Bangladesh. It focuses on social development, particularly in the areas of poverty alleviation, human rights, and youth empowerment. YPSA aims to promote sustainable development, provide health services, work on education, and improve the livelihoods of marginalized groups.

They have a variety of programs to address social issues like gender equality, child protection, and environmental sustainability.

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a prominent non-governmental organization based in Bangladesh, focused on youth development, social justice, and community empowerment. Established in 1985, YPSA works primarily with marginalized groups, especially young people, to promote their participation in social, economic, and political activities. The organization operates in various regions of Bangladesh with an emphasis on addressing social issues and enhancing the quality of life through sustainable development practices.

Key Areas of Work:

  1. Youth Empowerment: YPSA believes in empowering youth by enhancing their skills, leadership potential, and participation in community development. The organization offers various programs to build youth capacity and promote active citizenship.
  2. Human Rights and Gender Equality: YPSA is committed to promoting human rights, particularly focusing on marginalized communities, women, and children. They work towards reducing gender-based violence and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  3. Education and Health: The organization works to improve access to education, particularly for disadvantaged children and youth, and promotes health awareness, including reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and child health.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: YPSA supports initiatives for sustainable development, including environmental conservation, renewable energy projects, and climate change adaptation programs.
  5. Livelihood Development: The organization also focuses on improving the livelihoods of marginalized groups through skills development, microfinance, and creating income-generating opportunities.

Key Programs:

  • Disability Empowerment: YPSA has initiatives to support persons with disabilities, helping them integrate into society through education, skill-building, and advocacy.
  • Women’s Empowerment: They run programs targeting women’s economic empowerment, addressing gender-based violence, and promoting women’s rights.
  • Disaster Management: The organization helps communities prepare for and respond to natural disasters, providing relief and recovery support during emergencies.

International Collaborations:

YPSA works in collaboration with international donors, government agencies, and other NGOs to implement its projects. They are involved in various international platforms advocating for youth involvement, human rights, and sustainable development.

YPSA’s mission is to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from social development, with a special focus on the youth demographic.

Let me know if you would like more details on a particular program or aspect of their work!

জনপ্রিয় চাকরির খবর সমূহ

অনলাইনে এবং দৈনিক পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত সরকারি চাকরিসহ বিভিন্ন চাকরির খবর এবং পড়াশুনার সকল খবর গুলোকে সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে থাকে "সরকারিনিয়োগ.কম" । এখানে সংগৃহিত তথ্য/লিংক গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের এবং সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।

Design and Developed by MD. Jakir Hosen